The 1989 children's book by Sam Swope has been turned into an acrobatic musical - with music composed by Hudson Heights' Kim D. Sherman - a regular at Vicky's Diner, where I have breakfast practically every morning with James J.Muldoon tied up outside to the iron fence around the tree. Kim's websitereveals a composer of amazing range - musical theatre, opera, choral music, and the somber, moving Bosnia-inspired Graveside.
Kim's music and the Araboolies (who speak Araboolean and don't follow rules) have gotten some play onNPR's ATCwhich gives you some snippets of Kim's music.
Richard and George entered the Rio Plata, and are moored at La Paloma, Uruguay, next to a warship. As you'll see from their post it was a bit of a rocky arrival - with the engine dying and the cable that pulls up the swing keel parting as they reached the dock.
Richard's post is a good example of his ability to describe in detail just how things go wrong - with apparent detachment. Details are here