
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Towing - it's not just for tugboats

Today my father, my friend John, and I grabbed Geraldine - a 23 foot hard-top pickup truck of a boat - in Thomaston and went downriver on the St. George. 7 miles south at Otis Cove we picked up a disabled 18' Parker for Jeff's Marine. (At Otis Cove we also checked out Art Tibbetts, who started on a new dock yesterday and had made substantial progress by this evening.)

We continued south to Maple Juice Cove to pick up Grace, my 18' 1957 Lyman which (despite a new blade cutter) had a lobster pot line wrapped around the prop.

We towed the two 8 miles north on the St. George River to the public landing in Thomaston where trailers awaited. Mine was on the trailer just long enough to cut the line. Then over to Jeff's to pick up Toaster, my 18' O'Day to tow it south to Maple Juice Cove. When we got to MJC we saw just behind us beautiful old sailboat pulling in for the might to its placid anchorage. I'll try to get the name in the morning.

One of these days I have to get to work. But it may not be tomorrow.