
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Brooklin Maine - Wooden Boat Capital of the World

Brooklin, Me.
August - when Times reporters report from their vacation destinations on Cape Cod, the Elizabeth Islands, and the coast of Maine. This week it was Brooklin, Maine's turn. Center Harbor, Brooklin, Maine is a cove on Eggemoggin Reach and the Capital of wooden boat building.

The Times' Jim Norman contributes a terrific slide show HERE

There, where E.B. White escaped from the City you will find Wooden Boat magazine, Benjamin Mendlowitz of the Calendar of Wooden Boats, and the Wooden Boat School.

There you will find and boat builders inspired by Nathaniel Herreshoff's modern disciples like Joel White, whose son Steve continues the Brooklin Boat Yard builders of modern wood yachts like the W Class. You will also find craftsmen like Eric Dow, pictured above with a classic Herreshoff 12 1/2 - the boat that symbolizes the tradition which Brooklin preseves.

For people like me, who has wooden boat disease, Brooklin is a place to go on pilgrimage.
Images: Eric Dow, Center Harbor, map - Jim Norman - NY Times

Lawns look better with boats on them

Richard Hudson and crew are on Abrao, Brasil. They just posted on the Issuma sail blog this picture of a boat under construction. Hardwood. It's the way to go. They've also got a picture of a replica Gloucester schooner that is impressive.