John Culver, Ted Kennedy's college buddy, recounts his first, terrifying voyage with Teddy on Jack's sailboat The Victura, a Wianno Senior, which now rests outside the JFK Presidential Library on Boston Harbor.
400 years ago Henry Hudson, the son of a London Alderman, got financing from the Dutch East India Company. Aboard the Halv Maan he set out in 1609 seeking a passage to the Orient. It was his fourth attempt. Northern routes had failed so he went south: Chesapeake Bay: dead end, Delaware River (once known as the South River) - another cul de sac; the Hudson (North River) showed promise. But it too was a long cul de sac. And a great ride.
Times Reporter Corey Kilgallon started out from Times Square with a kayak and hitched rides all the way to the Troy Locks - where Hudson ran out of water. Here's his VIDEO