
Top of the World: Paul, Denise & team summit Everest

Paul & Denise Fejtek and  the Challenged Athletes Foundation team reached the summit of Mt. Everest.  with them were 11 Sherpa climbers!  All are back to safe ground now, they report here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bolero - City Island-built classic re-launched

In 1949 Henry Nevins of City Island built Bolero.  the Sparkman & Stephens-designed 73 foot cedar/mahogany flagship of the New York Yacht Club won the Newport - Bermuda race six times.  The yawl held the race elapsed time record until 1974.

The legendary boat has been extensively restored by Rockport Marine and re-launched last week.  After sea trials it will return to racing at Newport, Rhode Island.
Image of Henry B. Nevins yacht builders courtesy of City Island Nautical Museum.

City Spring flowers

From Kim Nora HERE are city spring flowers.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Issuma arrives in New York

May 20 - made New York from Brasil.   She is moored at the north end of the mooring field around 95th Street and the North River. In New York for a short period of R&R (rest and repairs).  Above are a couple of glimpses from the Henry Hudson parkway (commonly referred to incorrectly as the West Side Highway).  Below a shot from a spot perhaps near its "homeport" - Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.

UPDATE - HERE  is Richard's arrival post and de rigeur Statue of Liberty shot.

And HERE are shots aboard Issuma.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Everest - it looks like an ant hill from the Space Station!

Outside magazine reports there are 1000 people on Mt. Everest. 中国人叫他珠穆朗玛峰。 60 summitted this weekend.  Paul and Denise Fejtel announce they are making their way up the mountain - committed to try for the summit.

Not to spoil the fun, but HERE is the famous British Medical Journal study on mortality on Everest 1921 - 2006.

For a tour of Base Camp: 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Spring Sale

Spring sale at the Friendship Trap Company

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strange beauty

Gulf oil spill at sunset.

Image: NY Times - Richard perry

Everest - Camp 3 - 24,000 feet - 7 Summits for CAF

Paul, Denise & Co. are resting and re-oxgenating at Camp 2 21, 500, after return from Camp 3 - 24,000 - a successful climb of the Lhotse face.  The Sherpas have already delivered 48 canisters of oxygen to Camp 4, where they will be used for the summit assault.

Paul says 
"We're back at C2 after a long and difficult assault of the Lhotse Face yesterday! We reached our goal of getting to Camp 3 at 24,000 feet, which also marks the highest altitude we have ever climbed, surpassing the reach of all of the other Seven Summits including Mt. Aconcagua in the Andes. All of us would quickly agree that climbing such steep terrain at this level, or trying to do much of anything (without supplemental oxygen as we were doing) is agonizingly HARD! We did manage to snap this quick photo as we collapsed (with our jumars still attached to the fixed lines) just before reaching the tents at C3. Just beyond us in the photo is the "Yellow Band" and the "Geneva Spur" which we will be required to cross en route to C4 and the South Col."
Paul's  full report is here

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day Love Seat

Step 1: Concept

Step 2 - materials 

Sunday, May 9, 2010