
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pescadotes: Buzzards Bay 12 1/2

My Herreshoff obsession began in 1995 when I first saw a couple of 12 1/2's bobbing in the harbor at Pleasant Point Gut, Cushing.  That led to my purchase of North River - which I was told by Sterling Yachts (now deservedly out of business) was a 12 1/2.  It wasn't.  Close - but not the right measurements.  Excellent boat but no pedigree.

Now, of course, I have North River 2 - a Buzzards Bay 14, designed by L. Francis Herreshoff (no doubt about NR 2's provenance).  I call it a stretch 12 1/1.  14 on the waterline rather than 12 1/2, same 5' 9" beam, same 700+ ballast.
water color by Joe Warren at Pescadotes