
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Issuma: circumnavigating Baffin Island

Issuma reports its current position as the Bellot Strait - the picture here is of Devon Island - the largest uninhabited island on earth.  It is the site of the Mars on Earth project's research.  They think it is the most Mars-like place on earth and they have been up there with robots.
On one side of the Bellot Strait is Somerset island.  That is the second image.  I get nervous and dizzy just thinking about being that far north - and that remote. On Somerset island was the last outpost of the Hudson Bay Company - Fort Ross.

Yrvind talk about knots - YouTube

Sven Yrvind demonstrates the Secure knot - a kind of super bowline.
Yrvind talk about knots - YouTube

Septuagenarian Swede sets sail across Atlantic in tiny boat | News | Pbo

Sven Yrvind may be a madman, but he's not crazy. He has a great sailing resume.  His adventures have taken him across several oceans, often solo. His was the first yacht to land at the remote South Atlantic island Tristan da Cunha, and he set a record rounding Cape Horn on a 20-footer in winter. In 1980, under the name Sven Lundin, he was awarded the Royal Cruising Club medal for seamanship.
At an expected average boat speed of 2.5 knots Sven hopes Bris will reach Madeira in less than 30 days.
Read more about Sven and Bris on
Septuagenarian Swede sets sail across Atlantic in tiny boat | News | Pbo