
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ron Terner

Ron Terner: "Rock Memorial by Ron Terner
Updated about a month ago
I came to City Island in 1974; a small town where New England history meets up with the Bronx.
I decided this was where Focal Point Gallery and I would live. Shortly I found my way to an abandoned boat yard called Nevins. This was the favorite fishing and swimming hole for the local kids.

My dog Pandora loved retrieving sticks from the bay while I photographed the kids playing in remnants of the boat yard.

Nevins grounds also turned out to be a rich resource of materials left from it's past famous and thriving days. My back wall in the gallery is made of planks from the docks that used to be out there.
Many years have gone by since then, the space has turned into a park and the local school. P.S.175. The Little league field is there and behind it is still a remnant of what it use to be.

My son Rajeev now 35 and his sister Ruby 10 and current dog Monita all sneak behind the ball field fence to get down to where Nevins once was. This is still our play ground and place of peace

Soon I will be celebrating 40 years of Focal Point Gallery on City Island and August 23 is the third City Island reunion. Looking at the rocks of Nevins and reflecting on a community that has embraced me, I thought I would pay tribute to the people I have photographed and have died since."

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Richard Hudson Underway - Southbound

Hauling the 4,000 lb centerboard, holding 400 gallons
of fuel required a crane
As readers of this blog know Richard Hudson is an intrepid voyager.  After a long stretch in Argentina he headed north and - shorthanded as usual - on his second attempt did the Northwest Passage in 2011.  Traveling via Greenland's west coast, over Baffin Island, down through the archipelago, across the arctic ocean to the Chukchi Sea, and the Bering Sea, then to Dutch Harbor at the west end of the Alaskan Peninsula, about 1,000 miles SW of Anchorage.

After a two year spell for repairs, R&R and replenishment of funds (working in Vancouver), Richard is underway again.  He has landed in San Francisco - heading south.  Far south, I'm sure.  You can follow him HERE.
The Ocean Cruising Club branch in B.C. just gave him the Rambler Award for an outstanding short voyage.  I guess that was Sitka to Vancouver - singlehanded.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cape Horn Cairu Tercero - Wanderbird 933

Derek Jeter

S'Long, Jete - by Roger Angell// The New Yorker

Derek Jeter's Last Home Game  by Roger Angell // The New Yorker

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kiwi fishermen land colossal squid

John Bennett with the squid lying on the deck of the San Aspring fishing boat in Antarctica's remote Ross Sea
Fishing in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) a New Zealand fishing ship has landed a rare colossal squid. - gwc

Monday, September 15, 2014

How Stephen King Teaches Writing - The Atlantic

Stephen King believes in diagramming sentences and Strunk & White's Elements of style.  Jessica Fahey interviews him in The Atlantic. - gwc

How Stephen King Teaches Writing - The Atlantic:

by Jessica Fahey

Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft has been a fixture in my English classroom for years, but it wasn’t until this summer, when I began teaching in a residential drug and alcohol rehab, that I discovered the full measure of its worth. For weeks, I struggled to engage my detoxing, frustrated, and reluctant teenage students. I trotted out all my best lessons and performed all my best tricks, but save for one rousing read-aloud of Poe’s “A Tell-Tale Heart,” I failed to engage their attention or imagination.
Until the day I handed out copies of On Writing. Stephen King’s memoir of the craft is more than an inventory of the writer’s toolbox or a voyeuristic peek into his prolific and successful writing life. King recounts his years as a high school English teacher, his own recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, and his love for his students (“even the Beavis and Butt-Head types”). Most importantly, he captivates the reader with his honest account of the challenges he’s faced, and promises redemption to anyone willing to come to the blank page with a sense of purpose.
I asked King to expound on the parts of On Writing I love most: the nuts and bolts of teaching, the geekiest details of grammar, and his ideas about how to encourage a love of language in all of our students.
For the interview click the headline above

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Sea ice wears white after Labor Day | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

sea ice extent image

Sea ice wears white after Labor Day | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

September 2, 2014

"The Arctic summer of 2014 is nearing an end. Overall, the rate of ice loss during August was near average. Regions of low concentration ice remain in the Beaufort and East Siberian seas that may yet melt out or compress by wind action. While the Northwest Passage continues to be clogged with ice and is unlikely to open, the Northern Sea Route along the Siberian coasts appears open except for some ice around Severnaya Zemlya. As the end of the southern winter draws closer, Antarctic sea ice extent remains higher than average."

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Indian Harbor Classics Race 2014

Dark skies, gray seas, beautiful boats. 
(click pix to expand. Motorola Razr Max HD)
`S Boat' 68 Danae overtaking us

approaching Little Captain Island

Natanya, Friendship Sloop passing us

Peter at the helm on an off-wind leg

Monday, September 8, 2014

Harvest Moon

Hound of the Baskervilles
Harvest Moon Over the Bronx

Friday, September 5, 2014

Vivien Maier - nanny, street photographer

Astonishingly beautiful work.  Click through to the story for the pictures.  Reminds me of my very much alive friend and great street photographer Susan Sermonetta.
A Legal Battle Over Vivian Maier’s Work -
by Randy Kennedy
The story of the street photographer Vivian Maier has always been tangled — she worked much of her life as a nanny, keeping her artistic life a secret, and only after she died in 2009, at the age of 83, nearly penniless and with no family, were her pictures declared to be among the most remarkable of the 20th century. Now a court case in Chicago seeking to name a previously unknown heir is threatening to tie her legacy in knots and could prevent her work from being seen again for years.
The case was filed in June by a former commercial photographer and lawyer, David C. Deal, who said he became fascinated with Maier’s life in law school and took it upon himself to try to track down an heir. He did so, he said, because he was upset that prints of her work — from more than 100,000 negatives found in a storage locker at an auction, containing images now possibly worth millions of dollars — were being sold by people who came to own the negatives but had no family connection to Maier, who spent most of her childhood in France and worked in Chicago, where she died.