
Thursday, November 28, 2019

John W. Olson, Cushing, Maine obituary | PenBay Pilot

John W. Olson, obituary | PenBay Pilot

John W. Olson - the nephew of Alvaro and Christina Olson - famous as the subjects of Andrew Wyeth has died at 97.   Born at the house made famous in Wyeth's Christina's world, he'll be interred in the family cemetery near Andrew.  I knew John a bit - through his son Sam who has a lobster wholesale business a couple of hundred yards from where his father was born.  I'd buy fuel and lobster at Sam's Seafood often as his Dad - in his '80s -  came in from a day of lobstering on his wooden boat My Girl.  His stern man was his lady (can't remember her name) who was his companion after his second wife died.