
Saturday, November 21, 2020

At 75. May hope and history rhyme.

At 75.  I chose a couple of passages to read before we cut the chocolate birthday cake Marilyn baked.

Remembering my father

If all a man does is to watch from the shore,

Then he doesn't have to worry about the current.

But if affection has put us into the stream,

Then we have to agree to where the water goes.

- Robert Bly

Hope and history

from The Cure at Troy

History says, Don't hope

On this side of the grave,

But then, once in a lifetime

The longed-for  tidal wave

Of justice can rise up,

And hope and history rhyme.

- Seamus Heaney 


Vendée Globe: A well-tuned Renault 4 >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

61-year-old Jean Le Cam’s boat, designed by Bruce Farr of
Annapolis in 2007 is leading the 33 boat fleet through the south Atlantic, 
despite lacking the hydrofoils of the next 9 boats in the 33 boat fleet.

Vendée Globe: A well-tuned Renault 4 >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News: For the 2016-17 Vendée Globe, of the 29 IMOCA 60s, six new prototypes had been fitted with foil appendages and one older boat modified to include them.  For the 2020-2021 Vendee Globe 18 of 33 have been fitted with hydrofoils which give a 3 knot advantage in off-wind conditions.  Wily Jean LeCam describes his fifteen year old boat as a Renault 4 racing against Ferraris.