Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Lost Lamb - Abigail Washburn

在那遥远的故乡 (In that fǎr dìstant land I cāll home) 我失落了一个古老的梦 (I lost the ancient dream) 一个忧伤的梦 (A sorrowful dream) 在那养育我的地方 (In that place that raised me) 我分辨不了暮色和晨光 (I cannot dìscern the growing shadows of dúsk and first light of day) 我厌倦了沉没和思想 (I've wearied in the silence and searching) 风南吹有转向北方 (Wind blows sōuth and turns again north) 江河本海,海却不涨 (Rìvérflows to the sea, yět the sea does not rìsè) 我心满了愁城 (My heart is filled with melancholy) 雨来又是清不酒厂 (The rains come, clear skies will fóllow soon) 富足天不满灵魂…

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