Monday, August 17, 2020

Two classics

Two sailboats are moored at Martin Point, Friendship, Maine.  That is the mouth of Hatchet Cove, my Maine homeport.  I've seen the longer of them - the ketch before, but the smaller gaff rigged boat is new to me.  And it looks brand new.  The ketch is a classic  L. Francis Herreshoff design - a Rozinante, which the master described as a "canoe yawl" even though it's technically a ketch.  I of course am partial to L. Francis because my boat - a Buzzards Bay 14 - was designed by him.  

Today I headed out for an evening spin, noticed that the two sailboats (which I understand to be owned by the Pickering family) were not on their moorings.  So as I headed south on the Muscongus Bay I kept an eye out for their boats.  When I saw the tell tale shape of a gaff rig I headed that way.  I arrived as the two boats converged.  And got these next few shots.  - GWC


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